3 Ways to Actually Follow Through with Your New Years Fitness Goal in 2023!

It’s that time of year again, the one where the calendar rolls over and we all feel like starting fresh. The time for us to begin new habits and endeavors for however long we can. Statistics say that most of us will fail, and that's fine. But a select few will set reasonable goals and have solid plans for achieving them. Here are my top 3 tips on how to better accomplish your physical fitness goals in 2023!

Find Some Accountability

Discipline is awesome, if you have it. It can be developed, sure, but it's a damn tough endeavor and most of us aren't David Goggins, yet.  Most people have discipline somewhere in their lives and not in other places. If you're historically a bit short on self-discipline in your fitness, it may be best to find some outside accountability. That can look like a few things depending on your situation. For some, finding a friend who's already disciplined in their fitness and joining them (I guarantee they'll be happy to have you and if you have concerns you'll “slow them down”, they don't care!). For others it may mean forking over some of your hard earned cash and paying for a coach or trainer. It hurts a lot more to not use $300 a month in training fees to a good trainer vs. $20 in globo-gym memberships and that just might be enough to get you in the door and training! Group fitness is another amazing option for those who like to double up and use gym time as social time! You'll quickly make friends (If multiple people don't introduce themselves on day 1 you're at the wrong gym!) and when you skip class, they'll be texting to find out why and get you back in there tomorrow!

It’s a Date!

There is no better way to commit to getting better at a given physical venture than signing up for an event, race, or competition that you're not currently in shape or skilled enough for! The impending date of your event will force you to schedule and commit to training and be that extra boost of motivation knowing that in X amount of weeks, you’ll have to lace up and compete. Many events and competitions are also expensive, and as stated above in Tip 1, the fear of losing money or wasting it can provide a kick in the pants to get started. BONUS: Double up Tip 1 and 2 and hire a coach for your upcoming competition!!

Stay Inspired 

Motivation ebbs and flows naturally, some days you wont feel like training, other days you’ll want to take on the world. The key is to start moving, if you get moving, no matter how small or slow, momentum will build and carry you through your training day. While I am building up that momentum, I love popping on an audiobook and letting my mind step into the space my body is currently not in. Some inspirational books I’d recommend are:

I hope these tips will help carry you well past January twenty-something and into a new or revamped fitness routine in 2023!
My physical pursuit for this year is a 100+ mile gravel bike ride that takes place in late April (Tip 2 😉), wish me luck!


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