Biophilia and Pain Perception

How nature can help take the edge off

Looking to take the edge off your pain? Maybe it's time to embrace your inner tree-hugger. That's right, it turns out our inherent love for nature (aka biophilia) may actually have some pain-relieving and mood-regulating benefits. Biophilia is the human affinity for nature and the natural world. It is the concept that humans have an innate connection to other living things and our original environment (nature), and that spending time in or around nature can have a positive impact on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Spending time in the great outdoors can reduce stress, leading to a decrease in pain perception. It's not just about physically being in a secluded, quiet section of nature, either. According to a review published in the International Journal of Environmental Research - even just having a view of it can do the trick. Hospital patients with a view of nature needed less pain medication and reported less pain than those without such a view (since finding out about this I have begun to incorporate more indoor plants in my office and our home!).

One theory is that nature provides a sense of distraction and mental stimulation, which can help to take your mind off of the pain. Another theory is that nature has a calming and soothing effect on the brain, helping to reduce the body's stress response and decrease the perception of pain. So go ahead, take a hike (literally), or if you're not feeling up for it, just sit outside and soak up some vitamin D while appreciating a tree.. Either way, your body (and mind) will thank you.

So next time you're in pain and reaching for the ibuprofen, or in a bad mood and feeling disconnected from Mother Nature, consider channeling your inner hippie and trying some nature therapy first. Who knows, you may find yourself not only feeling better physically, but also emotionally connected to the natural world, and that's a win-win!


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