Mobility for Better Lifting + Living

Empowering progress in your workouts and training routines

Let’s face it—mobility is important.

Having sufficient mobility to get into proper positions while lifting can both reduce your risk of injury as well as improve your performance in lifts that require those positions.

The three positions people often lack enough mobility to achieve and maintain are the front rack, the deep squat, and the overhead positions. But where should you even start? With simple targeted exercises, soft tissue techniques, and drills added on the back end of a warm-up, you can achieve huge leaps in your mobility and access these positions in no time.

That’s where these courses come in.

Essential for front squats, cleans, and good starting pressing positions, this course has a heavy focus on shoulder, mid-back, and wrist mobility.

The squat is a great exercise to build lower body strength and essential movement pattern for life. This program has emphasis on all lower body mobility.

A good overhead position is critical for pressing movements. This course will hammer shoulder and mid-back mobility.


With expert programming instructions and quality video examples for only $27/mo

A Peek Inside The Courses

  • “I got recommended to Dr. Reed by a friend and couldn't be happier with the experience! I had chronic lower back pain/stiffness, and at the time, sharp and intense pain making me unable to lift weights or be active. A few weeks in, between the adjustments, dry needling, and exercise, he relive all of my sharp pain allowing me to lift again. Additionally, he provided the tools for me to continually improve my back/spine health. Couldn't recommend him enough!”

    -Tyler A.

  • Great experience for both me and my son. Last wrestling season my son hurt his shoulder right before the state qualifying tournament. Brandon did some great muscle work and showed him some stretches and warm ups. My son was back in immediately. Highly recommend!!

    -Jeff D.

  • Brandon is awesome, he's always willing to listen and very thorough in getting to the root cause of the issue. He's helped me with multiple issues: a nagging pain in my shoulder, my knee and a back injury. His willingness to work through multiple treatment options and also sending home stretches and exercises to do on my own really help to recover/heal and get back in the gym!

    -Tim S.

  • Not only did Brandon get me back in the gym within a week of my initial back/hip issue, he provided me with simple routine stretches I could do at home! He is friendly and understanding. Having knowledge of CrossFit movements was an added bonus!

    -Davia D.


  • The mobility course materials are hosted on an app so you can access the content from anywhere you are—whether you’re at home or the gym.

    You have access to the training videos and content for as long as you’re subscribed to the course.

  • Access to each mobility course is $27/month.

  • If you follow the content as created, you will complete the course in four weeks.

  • Depending on your goals, we recommend beginning with the course where you’re needing the most work. You may or may not need all three courses, and that’s totally fine. They’re here when you need them.

  • We don’t recommend it. These courses were made with specific mobility goals, as well as time and effort sustainability in mind.

    We’ve made this as simple and effective as possible for you.

  • Great question. We recommend having access to the core mobility tools: foam roller, lacrosse ball, PVC pipe, and bands.

  • Awesome. We hope you’ve seen incredible strides in your mobility. When you’ve completed one of the programs, you’re welcome to hang around and keep your access to the content going, or go ahead and move on to the next mobility program for you.