Why You May Want to Try Fasting! (I did it for 72 hours)

Fasting is an age-old practice that has been used for both religious and health purposes where you simply abstain from eating for a certain period of time. Fasts can last anywhere from 12 hours to multiple days depending on the goal and frequency. In recent years, fasting has gained popularity as a way to improve overall health and well-being. Some of the main benefits of fasting include…

Weight loss- Fasting can help with weight loss, primarily by reducing the number of calories consumed. When you fast, not only are you NOT consuming calories, your body is forced to burn stored calories and fat for energy instead of relying on the food you’d be eating. This can lead to weight loss and a reduction in body fat if practiced consistently across a long enough timeline!

Improved insulin sensitivity- Fasting can improve insulin sensitivity, which is important for those with diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Insulin sensitivity refers to how well your body responds to insulin and how efficiently it can use glucose for fuel. By improving insulin sensitivity, fasting can help lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Increased longevity- Fasting has been linked to increased longevity and a reduced risk of age-related diseases. Not only by reducing your risk of obesity related diseases but also fasting’s activation of a process called “autophagy”, which is the body's way of clearing out damaged cells and proteins and regenerating new ones.

Improved brain function- Fasting has been shown to improve brain function and protect against neurological diseases. Studies have shown that fasting can increase the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that helps to protect and repair brain cells.

Reduced inflammation- Fasting has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. Acute inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection, but chronic, low-grade inflammation can contribute to the development of many diseases.

Overall, fasting can be an effective way to improve health and well-being. It's important to note that fasting should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional, especially for people with certain medical conditions. Additionally, it's important to consume nutrient-dense foods during non-fasting periods to ensure the body is getting necessary nutrients and keeping you properly fueled between bouts of fasting.


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